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$10,000 Provides childcare for a child for nearly one year.
$5,000 Allows each child to have a birthday party. Most children at Our
Place do not celebrate their birthday due to family hardship.
$2,500 Allows a teacher to work one-on-one with a child who has
developmental,behavioral or emotional delays for one month.
$1,000 Supplies Our Place with diapers and wipes for three months.
For more information please contact Nichole Bookwalter at 617-784-3023.
Recognition on The Salvation Army and CCR websites, online publications, and local newspapers
Inclusion in press release to be printed in the Cambridge Chronicle
Opportunity to provide quartly updates to be posted on CCR Facebook Page
Opportunity to advertise at the annual CCR Holiday Party with a pop-up easel advertisement (supplied by sponsor)
Tickters as noted above, determined by sponsorship level. Individual Individual tickets can be purchased for $25 each here.
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